Lancer News - Orange Lutheran High School Blog

OLu Integrates Faith into the High School Experience

Written by Lancer News | April 11, 2023 at 10:35 PM

Orange Lutheran High School; A Place of Exploration and Understanding

OLu staff and faculty help students find their footing in life by integrating faith into learning while in high school. 

High school is more than an academic setting. It’s a community-based environment where educators and guides ask students to recognize themselves as children of God. With that understanding in place, they are further encouraged to contemplate what that might mean in relation to events taking place in their community and around the world. 

Integrating faith into learning in high school gives young minds a foundation, an orientation, and a sense of hope and belonging. 

Read below to learn more about three unique ways OLu integrates faith into the high school experience. 


OLu Missions program 

For over twenty years, the OLu Missions program has served over 400,000 hours in more than twenty countries and 6 states. Missions trips involve construction projects, disaster relief, elderly care, tutoring, and children’s clinics. Students also have the option to enroll in our elective Missions Class for an in-depth look at the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. 

Our Missions education team integrates faith into the high school experience by providing specialized opportunities for experiential learning. In doing so, students are better equipped for compassionate listening and intercultural understanding. Participation in the Missions program also teaches students to engage inequitable and inclusive community partnership. 

Click here to learn more about our Missions program.  


Service learning and global citizenship program 

Service learning and global citizenship programming are more  exciting routes OLu takes toward integrating faith into learning in high school. 

By integrating faith into our Deeper Learning Pathways, we prompt students to consider what it means to engage within a global society. Using Christ’s teachings as tools in their belt, they are led to envision how they make the world a better place.     

Our service learning and global citizenship programming prepares students to become stewards of peace, love, and compassion for the glory of God. 

Click here to learn more about how service learning helps student development. 


A strong sense of community 

OLu’s faith-integrated high school experience forms a special bond among students, staff, faculty, and parents. It’s felt as soon as they walk through the doors. 

The OLu community lives out its sense of faith identity through these connections, creating a profound investment in relationships not seen in other schools. Integrating faith into learning in high school provides students with friendship and support as they figure out their own individual way. 

Sometimes we need to have others in our lives who are going to be positive influences, and people we can trust and rely on. OLu’s faith integrated high school experience offers exactly that.