Lancer News - Orange Lutheran High School Blog

Orange Lutheran Welcomes Girls Flag Football This Fall

Written by Jenelyn Cunningham Russo ‘88 | May 19, 2023 at 3:52 PM

Girls flag football, one of the fastest growing high school sports in the country, is coming to Orange Lutheran this fall.


The sport received CIF approval earlier this year and will become the 27th athletics program at OLu. Led by head coach Kristen Sherman, the Lancers’ inaugural season of girls flag football will bring a unique opportunity for those who want to be a part of building a new legacy on campus.


“It's an emerging sport, and it's really growing,” says Sherman. “It's a way to bring girls into football, but also bring girls together who haven't traditionally played sports together because they play on different teams. It’s cool to be able to start something, both from a coaching standpoint, but for those girls, too, to be pioneers of something that hasn't been done in California before and is relatively new in the United States.”


OLu will join the rest of the schools in the Trinity League in fielding teams beginning this upcoming fall season. Sherman is hoping for a solid turnout of girls for both JV and varsity level rosters who are interested in a positive experience and the chance to build a foundation for the future.


“We're asking girls [who] are playing other sports to take a chance on something new…come together and be able to make new friends and just try something different,” says Sherman. “It's always good for kids to do hard things and do things that are a little bit different to them and try something new.”


Games will be played seven on seven with two 20-minute halves. The Lancers will compete in a full Trinity League schedule in addition to preseason matchups. Since girls flag football is in its first year, CIF will not hold championships but will instead host postseason tournaments.


"We are excited about the opportunity to have flag football on our campus,” says OLu Athletics Administration. “Having another competitive Christ-centered program for our female athletes to participate in and build lifelong relationships is such a blessing." 


Sherman is looking forward to welcoming in girls from across a variety of sports and abilities who will help launch the next chapter in OLu athletics.


“We want to give the girls a good experience so they want to come back and maybe even make it something that becomes more of a primary sport,” says Sherman. “For the most part, people are going to be learning and experiencing this together. We're really excited to get it started.”

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