Lancer News - Orange Lutheran High School Blog

Meet A Lancer: Aleena Aoun '23

Written by Chris Cornish '10 | April 18, 2023 at 3:44 PM

Meet a Lancer: Aleena Aoun ‘23

Aleena Aoun '23 is the complete package in that she sings, acts, and dances. Her primary discipline is dancing, which she has practiced religiously since the age of 4. She's also exceptionally talented in Dramatic Arts and can sing! When a friend convinced her to audition for "Mamma Mia" in 2021, Miss Everhart and Mr. Vu looked at each other during Aleena's performance and thought, "A star is born!"


Since that experience, Aleena is a regular on the Nechita stage and was also accepted for Vocal Jazz. In addition, Aleena is enrolled in our Music Theory class and supplements with outside private vocal coaching. Aleena dreams of taking her talents to the stages of Broadway.

Not only are the Arts important to her, but Aleena has been a part of OLu's Student Leadership team all four years of high school and serves this year as ASB co-president, all while maintaining a GPA of 4.40 and being a member of the High Honor Roll. However, it's Aleena's character that is most impressive as the creator of OLu's "Random Acts of Kindness" (RAKE) Club that is 80 members strong. She assigns weekly "Random Acts of Kindness" challenges to the student members.


Favorite moment on the Nechita stage:

I actually have two. The first has to be when I walked out on the stage for the first time in Mamma Mia and the second was in 2021 when we had our first Dance Showcase!

Finish this sentence - Ten years from now I want to be...

Dancing in NY, pursuing my dreams!


What inspires you?

Without question, my family and specifically my grandparents. My grandma, a restaurateur, shows up every day in the kitchen of Rosines to cook and work alongside their employees. The work ethic is like nothing I've ever seen. Also, Miss Jenn (Blomquist), Mr. Vu, Miss Chelsey (Everhart)!


What's something people would be surprised to know about you?

That I really care about my school work!


When you're not singing/acting/dancing/performing - what are you doing?



What teacher made the most impact on you and why?

Miss Jenn, she has been the director for my entire high school career. From day one, the faith she had in me was unbelievable. It's also been such a blessing to see Miss Jenn grow the OLu Dance program and I'm so happy to be part of it.


Favorite Bible verse:

'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes." - Mark 9:23