Lancer News - Orange Lutheran High School Blog

4 Benefits of choosing faith-based education

Written by Lancer News | April 26, 2023 at 11:00 PM

A faith-based education creates a unique learning atmosphere that is rooted in a set of shared values and beliefs. Students of a faith-based education are led to build a solid moral compass. There are several reasons to choose faith-based education; chief among them is a sense of community and belonging in a setting where students learn to respect diversity and explore their interests.

There are many benefits to faith-based education. It provides a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters learning and personal growth. The faith-based curriculum focuses on developing ethical and spiritual values, which go towards planting the seeds for a promising future. It also allows students to expand their understanding of the world around them and the faith they practice, helping them foster a sense of community-based mutual acceptance and understanding. Explore the unique ways in which we integrate faith into the high school experience.

Why choose a Christ-centered high school experience

A Christ-centered high school experience is an excellent way for students to receive a quality education while evolving in their Christian faith. As a Christ-centered school, Orange Lutheran is a unique space where students can deepen their relationship with Christ. We offer opportunities for students to get involved in service projects through our mission programs (trips and classes), Bible study, and other faith-based activities. We aim to help our students develop a solid academic and spiritual foundation that will last a lifetime.

In a wonderful 'full circle' moment, this alumna loved her time at OLu so much, she came back to join our community as a member of our staff. 

Academics enriched by faith-affirming learning

Faith-affirming learning is a powerful tool for enhancing high school education. In our experience at Orange Lutheran High School, students who engage in faith-based learning often improve their critical thinking skills and gain an increased sense of self-worth. As a result, they are more likely to strive for excellence in their academic endeavors.

There are spiritual and emotional benefits in addition to the intellectual benefits of faith-based learning. The opportunity to learn about faith in a safe and supportive environment provides comfort and strength to students. It can also give them a sense of purpose and direction, helping them to guide their decisions.

Choosing a high school that allows students to explore and develop their spiritual paths is essential. Studying their faith and understanding their core values and beliefs leads them to make more informed choices in their everyday lives. While exploring your options, we recommend seeking a school with a demonstrated track record of positively impacting students' lives by dispensing a faith-based philosophy.

Flexible learning options

Flexible learning options allow students to work at their own pace and choose the most relevant subjects to their goals. Online learning is another effective way to supplement high school education and gain additional skills.

Orange Lutheran offers flexible learning options, from fully remote virtual classes to independent study, hybrid, and international learning options. On-campus students attend classes in person on our campus in Orange, California, and participate in various experiences, including missions, athletics, student life, Service Days, performing and visual arts, and much more. Blended students enjoy on-campus courses paired with online, asynchronous coursework through Orange Lutheran Online (OLO). This combination allows for flexibility and independence while still engaging in an on-campus high school experience and receiving personalized on-campus support. 

We have the Full-Time Online (FTO) option, where students enjoy the highest level of flexibility and take their entire course load through Orange Lutheran Online (OLO). OLO is designed for students who participate in a highly competitive sport, work full-time, act or model professionally, dance at a high level, live outside of Orange County, or want more free time in their day. International students come from various countries and are highly engaged in student life at Orange Lutheran, immersing them in the American high school experience. 

Faculty driven by purpose/a higher calling

Our work as faculty is driven by a higher purpose. We devote our time, energy, and resources to helping students grow and succeed in their academics and faith. We strive to instill in our students the same passions and motivations that have led us to pursue our interests, dreams, and ambitions. Our role is not only to teach and guide but also to inspire. We do this through every interaction we have with the students in a class for their academic success or outside class through mission programs, support services, and other extracurricular activities.

At OLu, we allow our faculty members to pursue their professional interests in a manner that is both meaningful and valuable to the school. By following their interests, Orange Lutheran provides an environment conducive to innovation and learning. This approach encourages faculty to take ownership of their research and to create meaningful experiences for students that are more likely to result in success. Being in a unique position to introduce our students to the world and the opportunities that await them, faculty apply their knowledge toward nurturing a spirit of compassion, exploration, and discovery that will stay with them well beyond their high school years. 

Balanced student/life opportunities

The moral and ethical principles taught in faith-based schools like OLu can influence students' life paths and goals. Families who choose faith-based education for their children are not only ensuring that their child is receiving quality education but also providing them with a unique opportunity to grow spiritually and emotionally. By choosing this type of education, children are immersed in a learning environment that encourages them to think critically about their beliefs and make connections between their faith and everyday life. 

Through experiences like mission trips and service learning, like Operation Christmas Child or through local engagement opportunities, our students share God’s love through sharing their time, talents, and energies serving the needs of others in their local, national, and international communities. 

Ultimately, choosing a faith-based education is beneficial because of its holistic learning structure. It's an approach that promotes balanced life opportunities; children are able to develop strong character traits, build meaningful relationships, and learn important values and life lessons.